Welcome to Elementary School Learning in the Bellevue School District! Below you will find links for each grade level that will help you learn about the curriculum and learning goals for each content area.
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
In literacy, preschool students will learn to demonstrate phonological awareness, phonetic skills, and word recognition. This will be done through learning activities that help students notice and discriminate rhyme, identify letter names and sounds, and begin to understand that groups of letters make up words. Preschool students will begin to comprehend various texts being read to them and engage in conversations about the text. Students will engage in writing tasks to begin writing their name and using letters and words to make their own stories.
The main learning goals in Preschool are:
- Decides whether two words rhyme
- Matches beginning sounds of some words
- Begins to identify and name 11-20 upper- and 11-20 lowercase letters when presented in random order
- Begins to produce at least one correct sound for each letter in the alphabet
- Shows awareness of various features of print: letters, words, spaces, upper- and lowercase letters, some punctuation
- Begins to write accurate first name
- Uses drawing, dictation, and early invented spelling to convey a message
Adopted Instructional Materials
The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features hands-on investigations based on student interests. The content is play-based, engages learners through relative topics, and connects families to their child’s learning. Students gain access to a variety of diverse, language rich texts through this curriculum. |
Heggerty supplements Creative Curriculum with explicit phonemic awareness instruction. Daily lessons help support students’ reading, spelling, and writing, as students learn to hear the sounds in words. This curriculum is a great introduction to what students will continue learning in Kindergarten, since this curriculum is also used K-1 across Bellevue School District. |
Handwriting Without Tears is a comprehensive and cross-curricular program for students to achieve handwriting success through 29 easy to follow mini lessons. |
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Student Login - Via Clever ( and click on Lexia Core 5 image. Students can also log in at with their BSD credentials. They will need to know their teacher’s email the first time they use the device. |
In the area of math preschool students will use number concepts and operations to explore a number's value and sequence in a group of numbers. Students will explore shapes, and patterns by engaging hands on materials and experiences. Students will gain exposure to two- and three-dimensional shapes, and the attributes that make each of the shapes unique.
The main learning goals in Preschool are:
- Begins to verbally count to 20; counts 10-20 objects accurately; knows the last number, states how many in all; tells what number (1-10) comes next in order by counting
- Recognizes and names the number of items in a small set (up to five) instantly; combines and separates up to five objects and describes the parts
- Identifies numerals to 5 by name and connects each to counted objects
- Begins to describe basic two- and three- dimensional shapes by using own words; recognize basic shapes when they are presented in a new orientation
- Compares and orders a small set of objects as appropriate according to size, and length
Adopted Instructional Materials
Everyday Mathematics is a research-based math curriculum that embeds math into all areas of the students’ day, by showing them how math applies to everyday situations. Students are introduced to key mathematical concepts through songs, games, and hands-on manipulatives. |
Science and STEM
In science and STEM preschool students will begin to explore the world around them by using their five senses to observe and describe what they are seeing. Students will get exposure to concepts around weather patterns, life cycles, and the human body. Preschool students will begin to explore topics around coding through hands on STEM materials during whole and small group lessons.
The main learning goals in Preschool are:
- Ask questions and identify ways to find answers. Try out these activities and think about what to do next to learn more.
- Predict what will happen in science and nature experiences.
- Uses one or more of their five senses to describe an object.
- Talk about the changes in the weather and seasons, using common words, such as rainy and windy.
Adopted Instructional Materials
The Creative Curriculum includes Science and STEM lessons and activities throughout each unit. Children are able to raise questions about each topic, and, through exploration and discovery, find the answers to their questions. Some study topics include Water, Wheels, Balls, Exercise, and Insects. |
Social Emotional Learning
In social emotional learning preschool students will learn how to regulate their own emotions and behaviors while exploring how to manage their own feelings and follow limits and expectations. Students will begin to understand the role they have in taking care of their own needs appropriately independent of adult support.
The main learning goals in Preschool are:
- Begins to control strong emotions in an appropriate manner most of the time.
- Takes responsibility for own well-being.
- Initiates, joins in, and sustains positive interactions with a small group.
- Initiates the sharing of materials in the classroom and outdoors.
- Begins to resolve social problems through basic negotiation and compromise.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Second Step is an evidence-based SEL program for Early Learning that brings social-emotional learning to all BSD Preschool Classrooms through 28 guided lessons. The curriculum helps Preschoolers develop lasting executive-function and self-regulation skills by learning how to focus attention and manage emotions. This curriculum follows a very similar structure to our K-2 classrooms which leads to a seamless transition from Preschool to Kindergarten. |
Social Studies
In social studies preschool students will begin to explore the world around them outside of themselves. They will engage in lessons to explore the roles of people in our community and what their part is in being a community member of both their classroom and school.
The main learning goals in Preschool are:
- Describes family members and understands simple relationships (such as, “Marika is my sister.”)
- Draws pictures of own family and describes each person.
- Recognize some people in the community and describe their jobs (such as grocery store clerk, bus driver, doctor)
- Talks about the past and the future, such as what they did this morning and what their family did over the weekend.
- Explore their family, cultural identity, and build connections with story characters
Adopted Instructional Materials
The Creative Curriculum includes opportunities to explore Social Studies topics through a variety of self-directed activities. The studies in the curriculum are student-interest based and tap into a child’s natural curiosity, resulting in a learning environment that is both fun and intentional. Some study topics include Recycling, Roads, Signs, and Buildings. |
Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State is a tribally developed curriculum taught in all public schools across the state. It consists of three lessons designed for students to experience concepts related to tribal sovereignty, local tribal history, and contemporary issues related to Tribes of Washington State. |
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If you are interested in your child joining a Spanish Preschool Classroom, please visit the Preschool webpage and contact our Early Learning office with any questions. .
The Spanish Bilingual Preschool classrooms introduce children to Spanish language and culture. Activities such as songs, poems, and stories are taught in both English and Spanish. Please contact the Early Learning office for more information on which schools have Spanish Introduction classrooms this year.
The main learning goals for Spanish language development are:
- Hear the correct pronunciation of words in Spanish
- Understand basic Spanish words
Adopted Instructional Materials
Spanish Bilingual Preschool classrooms have access to all the same curriculums as English taught classrooms. These classrooms are provided with additional curriculum that is in the target language for the following curriculums:
The Creative Curriculum in Spanish |
Conciencia fonológica: Preescolar is a daily systematic phonological awareness lessons for preschool dual language or bilingual Spanish classrooms. |
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If you are interested in your child joining a Mandarin Preschool Classroom, please visit the Preschool webpage and contact our Early Learning office with any questions.
The Mandarin Dual Language Preschool classrooms introduce children to Chinese (Mandarin) language and culture. Activities such as songs, poems, and stories are taught in both English and Mandarin. These classrooms are located at Jing Mei Elementary School.
The main learning goals for Mandarin language development are:
- Recognize basic Chinese characters and sentence patterns
- Hear the correct pronunciation of words in Mandarin
- Understand basic Mandarin words
Adopted Instructional Materials
Mandarin Dual Language Preschool classrooms have access to all the same curriculums as English taught classrooms. These classrooms are provided with an additional curriculum to support language development:
My First Chinese Words curriculum is designed for children in a non-native Chinese environment. It teaches over 150 words covering 22 topics from a child’s world, like family, friends, food, home, school, and more. |
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Arabic Language Program
- Hindi Language Program
- Korean Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Reading Instruction is phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary. Students work to solidify their understanding of print concepts, the alphabetic principle and phoneme manipulation. They begin reading books and engage in group reading activities.
Writing Instruction includes drawing and writing to compose narrative, information and opinion pieces. Students convey meaning through writing using labels, captions and sentences. Instruction also includes handwriting skills and letter formation.
Speaking and Listening Instruction develops skills to support collaborative conversations with peers and adults. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions and speak audibly when expressing their thoughts, feelings and ideas. With support, students ask and answer questions to get information or clarify/confirm their understanding. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to accurately describe people, places, things, events and experiences in detail.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in kindergarten include representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects; understanding and applying addition and subtraction; and describing shapes and space. More time in kindergarten is devoted to numbers than to other topics.
The mathematical work for kindergarten is partitioned into 8 units:
- Math in Our World
- Numbers 1–10
- Flat Shapes All Around Us
- Understanding Addition and Subtraction
- Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10
- Numbers 0–20
- Solid Shapes All Around Us
- Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, is a rigorous and problem-based curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all students. With IM, students learn math by doing math, by solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and by constructing arguments using precise language. With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below: Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: Kindergarten Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Illustrative Math Unit 8 Review Unit 8 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In Kindergarten, students experience three science units:
Trees & Weather (Earth and Space Science)
The Trees and Weather Module provides students with solid experiences to help them develop an understanding of what plants (and animals) need to survive and the relationship between their needs and where they live. By monitoring local weather, students experience the patterns and variations in weather and come to understand the importance of weather forecasts to prepare for severe weather. Investigation of trees over the seasons will bring students to a better understanding of the place of trees at school and in the community. Students will observe day-to-day changes in weather over the year, as well as the impact weather has on living things.
Materials & Motion (Physical Science)
The Materials and Motion Module provides students with a study of natural resources and properties of materials and how those properties determine their use—wood, paper, and fabric. Students come to understand that humans use natural resources for everything they do and that people affect the world around them. Students use those materials to engineer structures, then investigate the effect of pushes and pulls, and apply their intuitive notion of the concept of variables to change the strength and direction of rolling balls to achieve specific outcomes.
Animals Two by Two (Life Science)
The Animals Two by Two Module provides students with close and personal interaction with some common land and water animals. Students observe and describe the structures of fish, birds, snails, earthworms, and isopods. Appropriate classroom habitats are established, and students learn to care for the animals. Animals are studied in pairs: students observe and care for one animal over time, and then they are introduced to another animal similar to the first but with differences in structure and behavior. Students learn what animals need to survive and the relationship between their needs and where they live.
Engineering Design Challenges: Designing Windsocks and Designing Ramps
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation
Engineering is Elementary Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
Second Step Elementary Digital Program 4 Units:
Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit |
Second Step Child Protection Unit |
Supplemental Programs
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
Social Studies Alive! Me and My World explores the relationships in students’ lives with their families, friends, teachers, and neighbors. Students explore ways to get along with others and how to solve problems. They learn that people live all over the world and have many ways of living. They will also begin their understanding of tribal sovereignty to understand the Since Time Immemorial Essential Questions outlined by OSPI.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Since Time Immemorial Curriculum |
Social Studies Alive! Me and My World |
StoryPath: Solving Problems in the Park |
All Kindergarten students in Bellevue attend music once a week taught by a certified music specialist. Students develop a love of music through singing, playing instruments, moving their bodies to the beat and dancing!
Concepts and skills in kindergarten music include using a singing voice separately from a speaking voice, playing instruments in a variety of ways (i.e. strike, scrape, shake), using movement to develop steady beat, creating movements and word variations for songs, developing listening skills, and introducing music reading skills by using pictures to recall the words to songs
Learning Goals
All kindergarteners participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and skills in kindergarten art include:
- Safe use of tools and materials
- Identifying and demonstrating line quality
- Beginning color theory
- Using geometric and organic shapes
- Demonstrating regular and alternating patterns.
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
Kindergarten will use 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Foundation curriculum.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
- My First Chinese Word
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Arabic Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
Kindergarten will use 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Foundation curriculum.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bil Arabi is an an innovative Arabic Language Arts curriculum that follows learning standards (ACTFL), focusing on developing a passion for Arabic history and culture. The program uses literature, culturally relevant illustrations, and real-life photos, offering engaging content like songs, games, and stories to support language acquisition of modern standard Arabic.
Additional Resources for Families
Learn more about the Arabic Language Program.
Hindi Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
The Hindi Language Program strives to enhance the learning experience through an asset-based approach for our multilingual learners, centering multilingualism, and social-cultural competence for all. Our dedication is to elevate students' identities and language, fostering academic success.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Presently, an in-district team of teachers, developers, and administrators are actively engaged in following established district procedures to identify curriculum for this program.
Additional Resources for Families
Learn more about the Hindi Language Program.
Korean Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
The BSD Korean Language Program strives to enhance the learning experience through an asset-based approach for our multilingual learners, centering multilingualism, and social-cultural competence for all. Our dedication is to elevate students' identities and language, fostering academic success.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Presently, an in-district team of teachers, developers, and administrators are actively engaged in following established district procedures to identify curriculum for this program.
Additional Resources for Families
Learn more about the Korean Language Program.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
All Kindergarten students are screened for Advanced Learning domain specific services. Services then begin in 1st grade. For more information about Kindergarten screening, please see this site.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue Digital Discovery is Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
- 9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
- 11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
- 12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
- 2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
- 9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
- 11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
- 12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
First Grade
First Grade
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Arabic Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Reading instruction phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary. Students use decoding skills to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. They ask and answer questions to improve understanding of text and engage in group reading activities.
Writing Instruction includes drawing and writing to compose narrative, information and opinion pieces. Students convey meaning through writing using labels, captions and sentences. Instruction also includes handwriting skills.
Speaking and Listening Instruction develops skills to support collaborative conversations with peers and adults. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions and begin to build upon the comments of others when expressing their own thoughts, feelings and ideas. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to accurately describe people, places, things, and events in detail.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core (American Reading Company) for K-5 Reading Comprehension and Writing
UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) Foundations for K-2 Phonics
Heggerty for PreK-1 Phonemic Awareness (adopted Spring of 2023)
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in 1st grade include developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20; developing understanding of whole-number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones; developing understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths as iterating length units; and reasoning about attributes of, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes.
The mathematical work for 1st grade is partitioned into 8 units:
- Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data
- Addition and Subtraction Story Problems
- Adding and Subtracting within 20
- Numbers to 99
- Adding within 100
- Length Measurements within 120 units
- Geometry and Time
- Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, is a rigorous and problem-based curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all students. With IM, students learn math by doing math, by solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and by constructing arguments using precise language. With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below:
Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: 1st Grade Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Illustrative Math Unit 8 Review Unit 8 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In 1st grade, students experience three science units:
Air & Weather (Earth and Space Science)
In the Air and Weather Module, young students turn their focus to the sky to make observations that will heighten their awareness, curiosity, and understanding of Earth’s dynamic atmosphere and the observable patterns of objects in the sky. Students explore the natural world by using simple instruments and calendars to observe and monitor change.
Sound & Light (Physical Science)
In the Sound and Light Module, students learn that sound comes from vibrating objects. They explore how to change sound volume and pitch, and develop simple models for how sound travels from a source to a receiver. With light, students also work with sources and receivers. They find out what happens when materials with different properties are placed in a beam of light, and explore how to create and change shadows and reflections. Students explore how to use sound and light devices to communicate information and compare the ways that animals use their senses (ears and eyes) to gather information about their environment.
Plants & Animals (Life Science)
The Plants and Animals Module provides experiences that heighten students' awareness of the way that plants and animals meet their basic needs. Students observe firsthand the structures of plants and discover ways to propagate new plants from mature plants (from seeds, bulbs, roots, and stem cuttings). They observe and describe changes that occur as plants grow, and compare classroom plants to those in the schoolyard. They design terrariums (habitat systems) and provide for the needs of both plants and animals living together in the classroom. Students explore variation in the same kind of organism, including variation between young and adults. They learn about the behaviors of parents to help their young (offspring) survive. And they explore structure and function relationships as they sort different kinds of animal and plant structures.
Engineering Design Challenges: Designing Windmills and Designing Periscopes
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation:
Engineering is Elementary: Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
Second Step Elementary Digital Program 4 Units:
Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit |
Second Step Child Protection Unit |
Supplemental Programs
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
Social Studies Alive! My School and Family introduces the structures of schools and families. Students learn how to get along with classmates, follow school rules, and identify people who work at a school. Students will learn about family traditions and the ways in which family members interact and change. Additionally, students will also continue their learning of tribal sovereignty to understand the Since Time Immemorial Essential Questions outlined by OSPI. They apply their learning in hands-on activities such as categorizing photographs of family members and acting out the roles of school staff.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Since Time Immemorial Curriculum |
Social Studies Alive! Me and My World |
All first grade students in Bellevue attend music once a week taught by a certified music specialist. Students develop a love of music through singing, playing instruments, moving their bodies to the beat and dancing!
Concepts and skills in first grade music include singing simple melodies with an awareness of pitch, identifying and playing a variety of instruments (i.e. drums, rhythm sticks, shakers), using movement to maintain steady beat, listening for upward and downward melodic motion, and reading and creating simple music patterns of sounds and silences.
Learning Goals
All 1st graders participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and skills in 1st grade art include:
- Safe use of tools and materials
- Identifying and creating directional lines
- Identifying and mixing secondary colors
- Using shapes and 3D forms
- Creating a composition that fills the space
- Demonstrating radial symmetry
- Using (ABC, ABC) pattern
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
1st Grade will cover 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Novice 1.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Arabic Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
Kindergarten will use 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Foundation curriculum.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bil Arabi is an an innovative Arabic Language Arts curriculum that follows learning standards (ACTFL), focusing on developing a passion for Arabic history and culture. The program uses literature, culturally relevant illustrations, and real-life photos, offering engaging content like songs, games, and stories to support language acquisition of modern standard Arabic.
Additional Resources for Families
Learn more about the Arabic Language Program.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
Adopted Instructional Materials
For a comprehensive list of Advanced Learning materials please see Advanced Learning Curriculum.
Additional Resources for Families
For more information about Advanced Learning identification and services please visit the Advanced Learning Services webpage.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
Second Grade
Second Grade
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Arabic Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Reading instruction includes phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary. Students improve their knowledge of story structure and text features and ask and answer questions to improve their understanding of text. They read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension and engage in group reading activities.
Writing Instruction includes narrative, informational and opinion writing. Students convey meaning through writing using sentences to inform and describe, and continue to improve their command of language, conventions and handwriting skills.
Speaking and Listening Instruction includes skills to support collaborative conversations. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions and build upon the comments of others when expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to accurately describe people, places, things, events and experiences in detail.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in 2nd grade include representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects; understanding and applying addition and subtraction; and describing shapes and space. More time in kindergarten is devoted to numbers than to other topics.
The mathematical work for 2nd grade is partitioned into 9 units:
- Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data
- Adding and Subtracting within 100
- Measuring Length
- Addition and Subtraction on the Number Line
- Numbers to 1,000
- Geometry, Time, and Money
- Adding and Subtracting within 1,000
- Equal Groups
- Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, is a rigorous and problem-based curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all students. With IM, students learn math by doing math, by solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and by constructing arguments using precise language. With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below:
Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: 2nd Grade Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Illustrative Math Unit 9 Review Unit 9 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy Want to be ready for 3rd grade? Check out these courses, which cover some of the major content of that grade. Khan Academy Get Ready for 3rd Grade! 2nd graders can also benefit from a comprehensive early math review, which covers counting, addition and subtraction within 20, 100, and 1,000, and measurement and data. Khan Academic K-2 Early Math Review
Mathigon Students can play Factris to reinforce essential numeracy, can practice multiplication, engage with problems and puzzles, and play with a tangram builder! |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In 2nd grade, students experience three science units:
Pebbles, Sand & Silt (Earth and Space Science)
The Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Module provides students with experiences with the observable structures and properties of earth materials (rocks, soil, and water), weathering and erosion of Earth’s surface, natural sources of water, and how to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water on Earth.
Solids & Liquids (Physical Science)
Throughout the Solids and Liquids Module, students observe, describe, and compare properties of solids and liquids. They conduct investigations to find out what happens when solids and water are mixed and when liquids and water are mixed. They use their knowledge of solids and liquids to conduct an investigation on an unknown material (toothpaste). They gain firsthand experience with reversible changes caused by heating or cooling, and read about changes caused by heating that are irreversible.
Insects & Plants (Life Science)
Throughout the Insects and Plants Module, students see the life cycles of insects unfold in real time and compare the stages exhibited by each species to reveal patterns. At the same time, students grow one type of plant from seed and observe it through its life cycle to produce new seeds. They gain experience with the ways that plants and insects interact in feeding relationships, seed dispersal, and pollination, and students develop models to communicate their understanding.
Engineering Design Challenges: Designing Bridges and Designing Hand Pollinators
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation:
Engineering is Elementary: Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
Second Step Elementary Digital Program 4 Units:
Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit |
Second Step Child Protection Unit |
Supplemental Programs
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
In Social Studies Alive! My Community, 2nd grade students learn more about the world in which they live. They begin to learn how important it is for people and groups to work together and to peacefully resolve problems. They will also continue their learning of tribal sovereignty to understand the Since Time Immemorial Essential Questions outlined by OSPI. Children's expanding sense of place and spatial relationships provides readiness for more in-depth geographical studies.
Adopted Instructional Materials
TCI: Social Studies Alive! My Community |
Bellevue Then and Now Unit |
Additional Resources
Newsela is a literacy-focused district resource for students and staff. Articles are sourced from over 300 national and local publications with reading levels from second to twelfth grade. Students log in via Clever (
All second grade students in Bellevue attend music once a week taught by a certified music specialist. Students develop a love of music through singing, playing instruments, moving their bodies to the beat and dancing!
Concepts and skills in second grade music include singing entire verse and chorus songs and singing in tune, playing instruments and creating simple music compositions using different volumes and tempos, using movement to demonstrate different subdivisions of steady beat, and reading simple music patterns using quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rests.
Learning Goals
All 2nd graders participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and skills in 2nd grade art include:
- Safe use of tools and materials
- Using expressive line quality
- Use of texture
- Overlapping to give the illusion of depth
- Coiling and attaching clay
- Identifying warm and cool colors
- Mixing tints and shades
- Using and producing organic, geometric and free-form shapes
- Demonstrating reflective symmetry
- Producing a variety of patterns
- Creating rhythm/movement in works of art
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
- Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
- Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
- Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
- Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
- Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
- Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
2nd Grade will cover 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Novice 2.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Arabic Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
Kindergarten will use 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Foundation curriculum.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bil Arabi is an an innovative Arabic Language Arts curriculum that follows learning standards (ACTFL), focusing on developing a passion for Arabic history and culture. The program uses literature, culturally relevant illustrations, and real-life photos, offering engaging content like songs, games, and stories to support language acquisition of modern standard Arabic.
Additional Resources for Families
Learn more about the Arabic Language Program.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
Adopted Instructional Materials
For a comprehensive list of Advanced Learning materials please see Advanced Learning Curriculum.
Additional Resources for Families
For more information about Advanced Learning identification and services please visit the Advanced Learning Services webpage.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
Third Grade
Third Grade
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Health
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Reading instruction includes phonics and decoding, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary. Students ask and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding of text. They utilize evidence from the text to justify their thinking and support their reasoning.
Writing Instruction includes narrative, information and opinion writing, both collaboratively and independently. They write routinely for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences. Students continue to improve their command of language and conventions.
Speaking and Listening Instruction includes collaborative conversations with peers and adults. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions, come prepared with information to contribute to discussions, and effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to convey information.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core (American Reading Company) for K-5 Reading Comprehension and Writing
UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) Foundations for K-2 Phonics
Heggerty for PreK-1 Phonemic Awareness (adopted Spring of 2023)
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in 3rd grade include developing understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100; developing understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with numerator 1); developing understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area; and describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes.
The mathematical work for 3rd grade is partitioned into 8 units:
- Introducing Multiplication
- Area and Multiplication
- Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction within 1,000
- Relating Multiplication to Division
- Fractions as Numbers
- Measuring Length, Time, Liquid Volume, and Weight
- Two-dimensional Shapes and Perimeter
- Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
llustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, is a rigorous and problem-based curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all students. With IM, students learn math by doing math, by solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and by constructing arguments using precise language. With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below:
Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: 3rd Grade Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Dreambox Math (Spanish Dual Language Only) Dreambox Math helps strengthen student computational and mathematical reasoning skills, at an adaptive and individualized level. |
Illustrative Math Unit 8 Review Unit 8 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy Registration is free! Khan Academy 3rd Grade Math Want to be ready for 4th grade? Check out these courses, which cover some of the major content of that grade. Khan Academy Get Ready for 4th Grade! Third graders can also benefit from a comprehensive early math review, which covers counting, addition and subtraction within 20, 100, and 1,000, and measurement and data. |
Mathigon Students can play Factris to reinforce essential numeracy, can practice multiplication, engage with problems and puzzles, and play with a tangram builder! |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In 3rd grade, students experience three science units:
Water & Climate (Earth and Space Science)
The Water and Climate Module provides students with experiences to explore the properties of water, the water cycle and weather, interactions between water and other earth materials, and how humans use water as a natural resource.
Motion & Matter (Physical Science)
The Motion and Matter Module provides students with experiences with forces and interactions, matter and its interactions, and with engineering design. Magnetism and gravity are the forces students explore as they look for patterns of motion to predict future motion. Students work with magnets and paper clips, wheel and- axle systems, paper air twirlers, and rotating tops.
Structures of Life (Life Science)
The Structures of Life Module consists of four investigations dealing with big ideas in life science—plants and animals are organisms and exhibit a variety of strategies for life, organisms are complex and have a variety of observable structures and behaviors, organisms have varied but predictable life cycles and reproduce their own kind, and individual organisms have variations in their traits that may provide an advantage in surviving in the environment.
Engineering Design Challenges: Designing Solutions to Weather Hazards and Designing Magnetic Cart Systems
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation:
Engineering is Elementary: Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Our 3rd grade health unit is comprised of one unit addressing tobacco and refusal skills. Our health instruction is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES); our Washington State Health Education Learning Standards.
Leader of the Pack learning objectives, students will be able to:
- Explore the harmful physical effects that tobacco has on the body
- Learn to recognize peer pressure situations
- Investigate and practice ways to refuse tobacco products
- Recognize the dangerous power of tobacco addiction
- Discover how tobacco negatively affects appearance
- Gain a clear understanding of tobacco advertising and its deceptive nature
- Develop the skills needed to stand up for their own beliefs
- Recognize how tobacco harms many individual systems of the body
- Develop their own anti-tobacco messages
- Identify and practice healthy alternatives to using tobacco
Adopted Instructional Materials
Tobacco Education: Leader of the Pack |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
The RULER Approach, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
4 Anchors:
Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit |
Supplemental Resources
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
Third grade students learn about historical and contemporary people who made a difference. Students are introduced to people of various races, cultures, and regions who have made a positive contribution to society. Students have the opportunity at this grade to develop an appreciation for history through factual presentations, autobiographical and biographical studies, and historical fiction. Geographical investigations begin with the familiar local regions and expand to locations around the world. They also continue their learning of tribal sovereignty to understand the Since Time Immemorial Essential Questions outlined by OSPI. Students are also introduced to how our economy works, exploring the world of buyers and sellers, supply and demand, and the world of global trade.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Since Time Immemorial Curriculum |
Social Studies Alive! Our Community and Beyond |
Bellevue Then and Now Unit |
Additional Resources
Newsela is a literacy-focused district resource for students and staff. Articles are sourced from over 300 national and local publications with reading levels from second to twelfth grade. Students log in via Clever (
All third grade students in Bellevue attend music once a week taught by a certified music specialist. Students develop a love of music through singing, playing instruments, moving their bodies to the beat and dancing!
Concepts and skills in third grade music include singing in harmony using rounds and partner songs, playing simple melodies on xylophones or similar instruments, performing folk dance movement sequences, listening for harmony and musical form, creating simple compositions using AB or ABA form, and reading standard music notation symbols (i.e. repeat signs, double bars, and codas).
Learning Goals
All 3rd graders participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and skills in 3rd grade art include:
- Safe use of tools and materials
- Differentiating between actual and visual texture
- Using deliberate line choice to communicate mood
- Using symbols to create meaning
- Using size and detail to create depth
- Demonstrating understanding of proportion
- Identifying and mixing tints and shades
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
- Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
- Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
- Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
- Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
- Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
- Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
3rd Grade has implemented one day one language since 2021. This model is student will have one day instruction in either Mandarin Chinese or English. 3rd grade will cover 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Novice 3.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
Adopted Instructional Materials
For a comprehensive list of Advanced Learning materials please see Advanced Learning Curriculum.
Additional Resources for Families
For more information about Advanced Learning identification and services please visit the Advanced Learning Services webpage.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Health
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Reading instruction includes work in comprehension, fluency, word study and vocabulary. Students cite examples in text to demonstrate understanding and support reasoning. They interpret information in text/graphic features and integrate information from multiple sources.
Writing Instruction includes narrative, information, and opinion writing, both collaboratively and independently. Students write routinely for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences utilizing evidence from text. Students continue to improve their command of language and conventions.
Speaking and Listening Instruction includes collaborative conversations with peers and adults. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions, come prepared with information to contribute to discussions, build upon the thinking of others and effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to convey information.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core (American Reading Company) for K-5 Reading Comprehension and Writing
UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) Foundations for K-2 Phonics
Heggerty for PreK-1 Phonemic Awareness (adopted Spring of 2023)
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in 4th grade include developing understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and developing understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends; developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers; understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry.
The mathematical work for 4th grade is partitioned into 9 units:
- Factors and Multiples
- Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
- Fraction Operations to Fractions
- From Hundredths to Hundred-thousands
- Multiplicative Comparison and Measurement
- Multiplying and Dividing Multi-digit Numbers
- Angles and Angle Measurement
- Properties of Two-Dimensional Shapes
- Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
llustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, is a rigorous and problem-based curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all students. With IM, students learn math by doing math, by solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and by constructing arguments using precise language. With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below:
Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: 4th Grade Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Dreambox Math (Spanish Dual Language Only) Dreambox Math helps strengthen student computational and mathematical reasoning skills, at an adaptive and individualized level. |
Illustrative Math Unit 9 Review Unit 9 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy Registration is free! Khan Academy Fourth Grade Math Want to be ready for 5th grade? Check out these courses, which cover some of the major content of that grade. Khan Academy Get Ready for 5th Grade! 4th graders can also benefit from a comprehensive early math review, which covers counting, addition and subtraction within 20, 100, and 1,000, and measurement and data. |
Mathigon Students can play Factris to reinforce essential numeracy, can practice multiplication, engage with problems and puzzles, and play with a tangram builder! |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In 4th grade, students experience three science units:
Soil, Rocks & Landforms (Earth and Space Science)
The Soils, Rocks, and Landforms Module provides students with firsthand experiences with soils and rocks and modeling experiences using tools such as topographic maps and stream tables to study changes to rocks and landforms at Earth’s surface.
Energy (Physical Science)
The Energy Module provides first-hand experiences in physical science dealing with energy and change. Students investigate electricity and magnetism as related effects and engage in engineering design while learning useful applications of electromagnetism in everyday life. They explore energy transfer through waves, repeating patterns of motion, that result in sound and motion.
Environments (Life Science)
The Environments Module focuses on the concepts that organisms have structures and behaviors, including sensory receptors, that serve functions in growth, survival and reproduction, and living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for their survival and the survival of populations.
Engineering Design Challenges: Designing Earthquake Resistant Structures and Designing Elastic Powered Cars
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation:
Engineering is Elementary: Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Our 4th grade health unit is comprised of one unit addressing tobacco, alcohol and refusal skills. Our health instruction is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES); our Washington State Health Education Learning Standards.
Don’t Drain Your Brain learning objectives, students will be able to:
- Recognize that the brain is made up of different parts that are specialized for specific tasks
- Discuss the risks associated with early use of alcohol
- Realize that a healthy brain is crucial for success in school and in life
- Explain how recent research links impaired brain function with alcohol use
- Identify the components of a neuron
- Understand that alcohol is not necessary in order to have a fun, fulfilling life
- Gain insight into the connection between our brain’s natural chemistry and our ability to function and perform daily tasks
- Understand that, although legal for adults over 21, alcohol is a dangerous substance for anyone
- Identify the special risks that alcohol poses for young people
- Recognize the long-term and short-term effects of alcohol on the brain and its structures
- Explore activities that promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle
Adopted Instructional Materials
Alcohol Education: Don’t Drain your Brain |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
The RULER Approach, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
4 Anchors:
Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit |
Supplemental Resources
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
Fourth Grade Social Studies focuses on the human experience in the geographic region that became the state of Washington. The year consists of lessons about Washington state history, including the StoryPath Unit Living in Celilo Falls. They will also continue their learning of tribal sovereignty to understand the Since Time Immemorial Essential Questions outlined by OSPI. Students will also complete a Washington State Classroom Based Assessment (CBA).
Adopted Instructional Materials
Since Time Immemorial Curriculum |
Living in Celilo Falls StoryPath |
Additional Resources
Newsela is a literacy-focused district resource for students and staff. Articles are sourced from over 300 national and local publications with reading levels from second to twelfth grade. Students log in via Clever (
All fourth grade students in Bellevue attend music once a week taught by a certified music specialist. Students develop a love of music through singing, playing instruments, moving their bodies to the beat and dancing!
Concepts and skills in fourth grade music include singing scales using solfege syllables (do-re-mi), playing instruments with the expressive qualities of tempo and dynamics, performing folk dances, using a notation system to create simple compositions, identifying different instruments by listening, and reading basic rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes and rests.
Learning Goals
All 4th graders participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and skills in 4th grade art include:
- Safe use of tools and materials
- Identifying and using values made by line and other shading techniques
- Using positive and negative space
- Using a system of 1 point perspective to show 3D space
- Combining a variety of clay techniques to make a sculptural or functional form
- Identifying complementary colors in works of art.
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
- Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
- Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
- Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
- Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
- Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
- Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
5th Grade has implemented one day one language since 2021. This model is student will have one day instruction in either Mandarin Chinese or English. 5th grade will cover 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Intermediate 1.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
Adopted Instructional Materials
For a comprehensive list of Advanced Learning materials please see Advanced Learning Curriculum.
Additional Resources for Families
For more information about Advanced Learning identification and services please visit the Advanced Learning Services webpage.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade
- Literacy
- Math
- Science and STEM
- Health
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Library
- Computer Science
- Mandarin Dual Language Program
- Spanish Dual Language Program
- Advanced Learning
- Bellevue Digital Discovery
Elementary literacy courses promote skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our curriculum encourages connections to the real world and promotes the use of reading and writing in everyday life and the foundations for successful academic future.
Reading instruction includes work in comprehension, fluency, word study and vocabulary. Students cite examples in text to demonstrate understanding and support reasoning. They interpret information in text/graphic features and integrate information from multiple sources.
Writing Instruction includes narrative, information, and opinion writing, both collaboratively and independently. Students write routinely for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences utilizing evidence from text. Students continue to improve their command of language and conventions.
Speaking and Listening Instruction includes collaborative conversations with peers and adults. They follow agreed upon rules for discussions, come prepared with information to contribute to discussions, build upon the thinking of others and effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Students increase their vocabulary and use language as a tool to convey information.
Adopted Instructional Materials
After an extensive review process that incorporated the interest and feedback of all educational stakeholders, the following materials were adopted in all elementary classrooms beginning in 2024-25 school year.
ARC Core (American Reading Company) for K-5 Reading Comprehension and Writing
UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) Foundations for K-2 Phonics
Heggerty for PreK-1 Phonemic Awareness (adopted Spring of 2023)
ARC Core Unit Themes:
Additional Resources
What is Lexia Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading is an online, computer adaptive, reading program that provides a systematic and structured, adaptive instruction to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity & fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students log in via Clever (
To affirm and inspire every student to learn and thrive as creators of their future world requires that every student receive equitable and high-quality education.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM), our K-Algebra 2 math curriculum, supports a coherent progression of learning based on state math standards and research-based learning trajectories, academic language development, and culturally responsive pedagogy to affirm students as they build positive math identities.
The big ideas in 5th grade include developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, developing understanding of multiplication and division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions), extending division to two-digit divisors, developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, developing fluency with whole number and decimal operations, and developing understanding of volume.
The mathematical work for 5th grade is broken into 8 units:
Finding Volume
Fractions as Quotients and Fraction Multiplication
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Wrapping Up Multiplication and Division with Multi-digit Numbers
Place Value Patterns and Decimal Operations
More Decimal and Fraction Operations
Shapes on the Coordinate Plane
Putting it All Together
Adopted Instructional Materials
With Illustrative Mathematics the emphasis is on understanding, not just memorization, and prioritizing depth of knowledge and understanding. That is, instead of memorizing equations and procedures, IM focuses on deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a problem-based teaching and learning cycle, shown below: Problem-based teaching and learning helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and prepares them for high-level math. Through rich class discussions and sense-making, students deepen their understanding of math by doing math. |
Math Standards: 5th Grade Math Common Core State Standards |
Additional Resources for Families
Imagine Math Imagine Math is an interactive online program that teaches math skills at your student's skill level and helps them practice what they learned in the classroom. Students can sign into their Clever account on any device to access their BSD apps. |
Imagine Math Facts |
Dreambox Math (Spanish Dual Language Only)
Grades 3-5, Spanish Dual Language & Immersion: Dreambox Dreambox Math helps strengthen student computational and mathematical reasoning skills, at an adaptive and individualized level. |
Illustrative Math Unit 9 Review Unit 9 focuses on the key concepts and major work and fluencies of the grade. |
Khan Academy Review major work of the grade on Khan Academy! Skills to practice include place value; decimals; adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions; multi-digit multiplication and division; volume; measurement. Want to be ready for 6th grade? Check out these courses, which cover some of the major content of that grade. |
Mathigon Students can play Factris to reinforce essential numeracy, can practice multiplication, engage with problems and puzzles, and play with a tangram builder! |
Math Fact Lab |
Science and STEM
Elementary science is a crucial component of the elementary education curriculum, designed to foster a foundational understanding of the natural world and scientific inquiry in young learners. This content area introduces students to key scientific concepts and principles, emphasizing hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Our science curriculum covers earth and space science, physical science, and life science. The curriculum is structured to engage students in observing, questioning, and experimenting, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The goal of elementary science is not only to impart factual knowledge but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method and the wonders of the natural universe.
In addition to our science curriculum, every elementary grade level has engineering design challenge units. These units focus on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of design thinking, problem-solving, and basic engineering processes. Through hands-on activities and projects, students are encouraged to apply scientific knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
In 5th grade, students experience three science units:
Earth & Sun (Earth and Space Science)
The Earth and Sun Module provides students with experiences to explore the properties of the atmosphere, energy transfer from the Sun to Earth, and the dynamics of weather and water cycling in Earth’s atmosphere. Other experiences help students to develop and use models to understand Earth’s place in the solar system, and the interactions of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon to reveal predictable patterns—daily length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of stars in the night sky. Students gain experiences that will contribute to the understanding of crosscutting concepts of patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; and energy and matter.
Mixtures & Solutions (Physical Science)
The Mixtures and Solutions Module has five investigations that introduce students to fundamental ideas about matter and its interactions. Students come to know that matter is made of particles too small to be seen and develop the understanding that matter is conserved when it changes state—from solid to liquid to gas—when it dissolves in another substance, and when it is part of a chemical reaction.
Living Systems (Life Science)
The Living Systems Module has four investigations that focus on systems as the unit of study. The idea of a system is one of the grand integrating concepts that pervades all of science. Students start by looking at Earth as the interaction of four Earth systems or subsystems—the geosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. The focus of the module then turns to the biosphere as students explore ecosystems and organisms in terms of their interacting parts.
Engineering Design Challenge: Designing Parachutes
Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
Adopted Instructional Materials
FOSS Next Generation:
Engineering is Elementary: Note that we have adapted several of these kits to better fit within our wider science curriculum and Bellevue context. |
Our 5th grade health unit is comprised of three units; Nutrition, Drug Education and Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH). Our health instruction is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES); our Washington State Health Education Learning Standards.
The goals of our 5th grade Sexual Health Unit (FLASH) are to:
•Increase knowledge about the reproductive system and puberty
•Improve family
communication about relationships and reproductive health
•Decrease rates of sexual violence and increase reporting
•Improve skills to support future sexual health, including pregnancy and STD prevention
The Danger Zone learning objectives, students will be able to:
connect drug education facts to the real world
develop healthy judgment skills and problem-solving techniques
pursue hands-on projects to get a concrete sense of the issues
develop an understanding of drug abuse and its various effects
use writing and creative skills to explore the subject material
deal with open-ended problems
foster better communication skills
understand the consequences of unhealthy decisions
explore the concept of addiction
identify ways in which drug abuse affects relationships with family and friends
recognize how drugs can hinder or destroy a person’s goals
identify positive reasons to be drug-free
understand various ways to enjoy life and relieve stress without using drugs
explore the aspects of a healthy self-identity
identify marketing strategies that are used to sell tobacco and alcohol to kids
understand the differences between using prescription and over-the-counter drugs properly to treat illness or injury, and abusing them to get high
practice refusal skills that can help them maintain a drug-free lifestyle
Adopted Instructional Materials
Nutrition: Beecher’s Foundation
Drug Education: The Danger Zone
Sexual Health: Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) FLASH is a widely used sexual health education curriculum developed by Public Health – Seattle & King County and designed to prevent teen pregnancy, STDs, and sexual violence, and to increase knowledge about the reproductive system and puberty.
Additional Resources for Families |
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
Washington State Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards & Benchmarks
SEL Standards and Benchmarks English | Chinese | Spanish
Adopted Instructional Materials
The RULER Approach, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence 4 Anchors:
Supplemental Resources
Additional Resources for Families
Social Studies
Beginning in September of 2019, our 5th grade social studies curriculum has been updated to elevate the counter-narratives, capture the unseen, and bring awareness to the complexity of history. In learning about United States history beginning with Since Time Immemorial through the development of the founding documents, students will explore multiple perspectives incorporating source materials that reflect different views of a historical event.
The scope and sequence of our 5th Grade Curriculum:
Examining Founding Documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights) - What does "All Men Created Equal" mean?
Defining Race, Microaggressions and Stereotypes
Geography of North America & The World
Indigenous Groups of North America & Resistance to Colonization
World Explorers and Navigation Strategies
Impacts of European Arrival, Conquest, Colonization and Devastation
Enslavement of Indigenous and African Peoples
Development of European Colonies in the Americas
Tensions between England and the Colonies
Declaring Independence - Revolution & Declaration of Independence development
Balancing Powers, Developing branches of government
Individual Impact & Taking Action
Adopted Instructional Materials
Beginning in September of 2019, our 5th grade social studies curriculum has been updated to elevate the counter-narratives, capture the unseen, and bring awareness to the complexity of history. Goals of Our Revised Curriculum:
Additional Resources
Since Time Immemorial Curriculum
Social Studies Alive! America’s past
Newsela is a literacy-focused district resource for students and staff. Articles are sourced from over 300 national and local publications with reading levels from second to twelfth grade. Students log in via Clever (
All fifth grade students participate in band or orchestra twice a week and will have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument. Students will learn how to care for an instrument, how to develop a quality tone and correct technique on an instrument, reading melodies using simple rhythms, and learning concert performance etiquette and practices. Teachers will assist students in selecting an instrument during the first two weeks of class. The Bellevue School District will provide instruments for any students needing assistance acquiring an instrument.
Adopted instructional materials :
- Accent on Achievement
- Essential Elements for Strings
Learning goals
See p.121 “Traditional & Emerging Ensembles: Novice”
All 5th graders participate in Visual Art for 40 minutes once a week. Students learn to Create, Respond, Present, and Connect in art class using a variety of practices which may include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, fibers, printmaking, and mixed media. The Elements and Principles of Art, craftsmanship, observation, expression, reflection, and connecting to art history are all fundamental to the art making experience.
Concepts and Skills for 5th grade art include:
safe use of tools and materials
identifying and using analogous colors
mixing skin tones
creating neutrals
drawing with contour line
using 4 values in drawings
using 1 point perspective to render a cityscape or interior space
combining a variety of clay techniques to make a sculptural or functional form
Learning Goals
Physical Education
Students have PE class once a week for 40 minutes. The vision is for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead a physically active lifestyle and make healthy choices that contribute to the overall wellness of themselves and the community.
Learning Goals
Based on the WA State Learning Outcomes for Physical Education:
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns WA State Standard 1
Application of Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics WA State Standard 2
Health-Related Fitness WA State Standard 3
Responsible and Respectful Behavior WA State Standard 4
Value of Physical Activity WA State Standard 5
Vision: The BSD K-5 Library Program empowers all students and staff to be informed citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.
Mission: BSD Libraries build enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers and ethical users and producers of information.
Learning Goals
From the American Association of School Librarians:
- Inquiry: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
- Inclusion: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
- Collaboration: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
- Curation: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.
- Exploration: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
- Engagement: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
BSD subscribes to Epic School Plus so that all K-5 Students have access 24/7. If your student would like to read on Epic outside of the school day, they will need to ask their classroom teacher for their Epic Class Code. |
BSD subscribes to the PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext databases. These are great for nonfiction reading and research. Students can access PebbleGo through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
BSD subscribes to WorldBook Database. This is a great resource for nonfiction reading as well as research. Students can access WorldBook through Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Coming soon! BSD will have a subscription to CultureGrams. This is a great resource to read and learn about countries and cultures around the world. Stay tuned for more information on how to access. |
BSD subscribes to TumbleBooks for easy access to online reading. They have ebooks, read along books, animated books and video stories. Students can access Tumblebooks on Clever and through Destiny Discover. |
Computer Science
Students at Ardmore, Lake Hills, Sherwood Forest and Stevenson attend Computer Science class for 40 minutes, once per week. In CS, students build 21st century skills like problem solving, algorithmic thinking, perseverance, and collaboration through “unplugged” activities, robotics, and creative coding. They also learn about the impacts of computing and about emerging topics like AI.
Additionally, students at Clyde Hill and Enatai receive Computer Science in their regular classroom, integrated into other subject areas and taught by their teacher. These schools are served by a CS Facilitator who assists teachers in this content area.
For more information, please see our K-12 Computer Science initiative.
Some of the programs we use include:
- Scratch
- Scratch Jr.
- LEGO Education Learning Programs
Learning Goals
Mandarin Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
5th Grade has implemented one day one language since 2021. This model is student will have one day instruction in either Mandarin Chinese or English. 5th grade will cover 8 Units from Mandarin Matrix Intermediate 1.
Adopted Instructional Materials
- Mandarin Matrix
- Hard copy – for in class instruction
- Digital platform – accessible at school & home
- Reading text
- Exercises
- Practice
- Test
Learning Goals
- Foundational Skills Curriculum
- Thematic Curriculum
- Discussions and Open-Ended Questions
Biliteracy: Students will be able to achieve ACTFL speaking at novice high, listening at novice median; reading, and writing at novice low level at the end of school year.
Biculturalism: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects.
Additional Resources for Families
- Common Core Standards
- Supplemental material
- IChineseReader
Spanish Dual Language Program
Choice Services and Language Program Options
If your student is in a choice program, please click below. For information about enrollment, click here
In the Spanish Dual Language Program, students from different language backgrounds learn together while instruction is systematically delivered in two languages. Students read, write, listen and speak in both languages becoming bilingual, biliterate, bicultural while working towards grade level academic achievement. Dual language offers a chance for students to add another language while at the optimal age for language learning.
The Spanish Dual Language Program is ideal for any student. Young children have the ability to gain language faster with near native like language skills. And learning a language at a young age increases cognitive development, which allows for deeper levels of learning.
Advanced Learning
Advanced Learning Services provides enhanced academic instruction and accelerated learning through multiple service program models. Instruction is designed to meet students’ academic needs at the appropriate level with concurrent social emotional supports including, but not limited to, enhanced instruction on executive functioning skills and supports for twice exceptional learners.
Currently, elementary students receive Advanced Learning services through these program models:
- Centered Elementary: A full-day service for students in grades 2-5 at Cherry Crest, Medina, Somerset, and Woodridge.
- Differentiated Services: Students in grades 2-5 who are identified for full day service may choose to remain at their neighborhood or choice school and receive differentiated services in the general education classroom.
- Domain Specific: Services for students identified in one or two domains. Differentiated instruction for Math, and/or Literacy, and/or Non-Verbal in the general education classroom. This is available at all elementary schools, grades 1-5.
Adopted Instructional Materials
For a comprehensive list of Advanced Learning materials please see Advanced Learning Curriculum.
Additional Resources for Families
For more information about Advanced Learning identification and services please visit the Advanced Learning Services webpage.
Bellevue Digital Discovery
Bellevue School District’s innovative online learning option for students in Washington state.
Adopted Instructional Materials
Bellevue Digital Discovery utilizes the same instructional materials in grades K-6 as Bellevue in-person students. This means the same high-quality resources in Bellevue schools are available in our online school as well.
Additional Resources for Families
Elementary program (Grades K-6*) Structure:
The Elementary program (Grades K-6*) is aligned with Washington State’s Continuous Learning 2.0+ Framework. Students receive synchronous instruction from Bellevue School District teachers for 70% of their school day.
Students also engage in activities led by teacher specialists including art, music, library, and physical education.
Elementary Daily School Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 2:30pm: PM Synchronous Learning
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Asynchronous Learning & Academic Support
Wednesday Daily Schedule:
9:00am – 11:30am: AM Synchronous Learning
11:30am – 12:30pm: Lunch and Recess
12:30pm – 1:00 pm: PM Synchronous Learning
*Most 6th graders will be in the Elementary Program, but some could apply for the Secondary Program and be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More
Learn more about Bellevue Digital Discovery.
Choice School Options
The Bellevue School District recommends that all students study a World Language to prepare for college, career and life. Bellevue World Language courses equip students with the skills to communicate effectively across multiple cultures. Students use the World Language to explore global challenges and analyze possible solutions. The Bellevue School offers the following world language programs at the elementary level: